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Dr Yann Savoye

Springer Book

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I am a Lecturer in Computer Science (Creative Computing) in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at University of Leicester. Previously, I was a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Liverpool John Moores University (2019-2024) and Lecturer in the School of Computing Science and Digital Media at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland from 2017 to 2019. In November 2017, I became fellow of the Higher Education Academy in United Kingdom. I received a BSc in Computer Science from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, a MSc. in Computer Science with Honors from INSA-Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and Ecole Centrale of Lyon, France. In 2012, I earned a PhD degree from University of Bordeaux (France) with highest honors. In addition, I was teaching assistant at University of Bordeaux from 2009 to 2011. I was temporary teaching assistant at ENSEIRB engineering school. I was visiting researcher at University of Porto in Portugal from March to May 2013 and IT Porto. In 2013, I collaborated at Ben Gurion University of the Negev (in Israel) and Shandong University (in China) as post-doctoral researcher. From 2014 to 2016, I was post-doc researcher in Visual Computing at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). I'm member of ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH since 2009, and Eurographics from 2009 to 2012.

My research interests lie in the field of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Digital Fabrication. In particular, I devote efforts on techniques for video-based performance capture, mesh tracking, character rigging and skinning, mocap, geometric modeling, mesh deformation, captured animation, non-rigid time-varying scenes reusing, and non-photorealistic animation. My research work is dedicated to develop vision-based graphics toward 3D cinematography, and designed to bring easy-to-use tools, but not limited to. I served as reviewer for more than one hundred of well-established conferences and journals and I reviewed more than two hundred papers for conferences including EG, GI, ISMAR, SIGGRAPH, VR, CHI, PGV, SUI, GraphiCon, SIGGRAPH ASIA, TOG, PLOS ONE, Optica Applicata, TVCG, CVPR among others.

Prospective Students

If you are interested in master projects, PhD, or Postdoc positions, please feel free to express your interest by contacting me by email at as early as possible. We are also offering PhD studentship funding and we have access to a range of funding options for international/local students.


  • September 2024: Our paper "Generalized inertial proximal deblurring" has been published at JMCS.
  • September 2024: I joined University of Leicester.
  • September 2022: I gave an invited talk at ICDIPML 2022
  • August 2022: I gave an invited talk at Chiang Mai University in Thailand.
  • August 2022: I gave an invited talk at University of Phayao in Thailand.
  • June 2022: I gave an invited talk at University of Birmingham.
  • September 2019: I joined Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom) as Lecturer/Senior lecturer.
  • July 2019: I will be an invited speaker in Austin, USA.
  • June 2019: I gave a talk Where Ideas Take Shapes at the Rainbow Group Seminar at University of Cambridge.
  • June 2019: I gave a talk Where Ideas Take Shapes at the Computational Intelligence and Visual Computing research group at Northumbria University in UK.
  • January 2019: I will be an invited speaker in Thailand.
  • August 2018: I will be an invited speaker in Vancouver, Canada.
  • July 2018: I will be an invited speaker in New York City, USA.
  • November 2017: I am fellow of the Higher Education Academy in UK.
  • I will served as International Program Committee Member of GMP 2018 and ICIDM2018.
  • July 2017: I will be an invited speaker at University of Milano Bicocca in Milan, Italy.
  • I serve as Poster Chair for I3D 2017.
  • I served as International Program Committee Member of CASA 2016, GMP 2017.
  • December 2016: I was a speaker at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016.
  • May 2016: one contribution accepted at CGI.
  • February 2016: I gave a talk at Microsoft Research in Redmond, USA.
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jmcs2024 Generalized Inertial Proximal Deblurring  
Yann Savoye, Damrongsak Yambangwai,
Watcharaporn Cholamjiak
Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page] [ACM DL]
tvcg2020 Computational Design of Self-actuated Deformable Solids via Shape Memory Material  
Yucheng Sun, Wenqing Ouyang, Zhongyuan Liu, Ning Ni,
Yann Savoye, Peng Song, Ligang Liu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page] [IEEE DL] [Video]
Yann Savoye 2018 Cage-based Performance Capture  
Yann Savoye
ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 - Courses Program
12-16 August 2018, Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia.
[Lecture Note] [Bibtex] [Project page] [ACMDL] [Talk Video]
Yann Savoye 2018 Few-shot Classifier GAN  
Adamu Ali-Gombe, Eyad Elyan,
Yann Savoye, Chrisina Jayne
IJCNN 18 - Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks
8-13 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye 2017 Stokes Coordinates  
Yann Savoye
SCCG 17 Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
May 15-17, 2017, Mikulov, Czech Republic
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page] [Video] [ACMDL]
Yann Savoye 2016 Dirichlet Surface Isolines  
Yann Savoye
CGI 16: Computer Graphics International (presented as poster), June 28-July 1st, 2016, Heraklion, Greece.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page] [Video]
Yann Savoye I3D 2016 Compact Stokes Coordinates for Cage-based Shapes  
Yann Savoye
I3D 16: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (accepted as poster), February 27-28, 2016, Redmond
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye 2016 Cage-based Performance Capture  
Yann Savoye
ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 - Courses Program
05-08 December 2016, The Venetian Macao, Macao.
[Lecture Note] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye CVMP 2013 Build-to-Last: Strength to Weight 3D Printed Objects  
Lin Lu, Andrei Sharf, Haisen Zhao, Yuan Wei, Qingnan Fan, Xuelin Chen, Yann Savoye, Changhe Tu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Baoquan Chen
SIGGRAPH 2014 (Transaction on Graphics)
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page] [Video]
Yann Savoye CVMP 2013 Iterative Cage-based Registration from Multi-view Silhouettes  
Yann Savoye
CVMP'13: European Conference on Visual Media Production, November 6-7, 2013, London
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye CVMP 2012 Content-Aware Exaggerated Editing for Life-Like Captured Animations  
Yann Savoye
CVMP'12: European Conference on Visual Media Production, December 5-6, 2012, London
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye SIGGRAPH 2012 Poster Iterative Cage-based Registration for Dynamic Shape Capture  
Yann Savoye
SIGGRAPH'12: ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Poster, Los Angeles, USA. August 5-9, 2012
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Sketch Video-Based Toon Character from Surface Performance Capture  
Yann Savoye
SIGGRAPH ASIA '11: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Technical Sketches, Hong Kong, China. December 13-15, 2011 (acceptance rate: 22.6%) - Lead Session Sketch
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Sketch Stretchable Cartoon Editing for Skeletal Captured Animations  
Yann Savoye
SIGGRAPH ASIA '11: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Technical Sketches, Hong Kong, China. December 13-15, 2011 (acceptance rate: 22.6%) - Lead Session Sketch
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Conversion of Performance Mesh Animation into Cage-based Animation  
Yann Savoye and Jean-S bastien Franco
SIGGRAPH ASIA '10: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Posters, Seoul, Korea. December 15-18, 2010
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye ACCV 2010 Cage-Based Tracking For Performance Animation 
Yann Savoye and Jean-S bastien Franco
in Proceedings of the Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV10), Queenstown, New Zealand. November 8-12, 2010 - (acceptance rate: 29.1%)
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye AMDO 2010 CageIK: Dual-Laplacian Cage-Based Inverse Kinematics  
Yann Savoye and Jean-S bastien Franco
in Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO10), Springer, Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. 7-9 July , 2010.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]
Yann Savoye VRIPHYS08 Multi-Layer Level of Detail for Character Animation  
Yann Savoye and Alexandre Meyer
in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop On Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS'08), Eurographics, November 2008, Grenoble, France.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project page]

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