Multi-Layer Level of Detail for Character Animation
LIRIS University of Lyon
Abstract |
Images |
Real-time animation of human-like characters has been an active research area in computer graphics. Nowadays,
more and more applications need to render various realistic scenes with human motion in crowds for interactive
virtual environments. Animation and level of detail are well explored fields but little has been done to generate
level of detail automatically for dynamic articulated meshes. Our approach is based on the combination of three
interesting layers for run-time level of detail in character crowd animation: the skeleton, the mesh and the motion.
We build a Multiresolution Skeletal Graph to simplify the skeleton topology progressively. In contrast with
previous works, we use a Dual-Graph Based Simplification for articulated meshes, where the triangle decimation
is driven by triangle compactness, to build a dynamic, continuous, progressive and selective mesh level of detail.
We also present Power Skinning to ensure the stability of Linear Smooth Skinning, during the simplification, with
an efficient multi-weight update rule.
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Paper |
Publication |
Bibtex |
@InProceedings{SavoyeMeyer:2008:mlca, author = "Yann Savoye and Alexandre Meyer", title = "Multi Layer Level of Detail for Character Animation", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Workshop On Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation", pages = "57--67", year = "2008", month = "Novembre", address = "Grenoble, France", publisher = "The Eurographics Association" } |
Keywords |
crowds, character animation, level of detail, dynamic articulated meshes. Multiresolution Skeletal Graph, Dual-Graph Based Simplification, triangle decimation, Power Skinning |